Just a place to keep track of what I've changed/added/fixed/etc. Hopefully I will remember it.
- changed custom fonts to self-hosting, adjusted css/html to make it work
- added “calendar” link to keep track of dates/times
- changed body font to im fell english because it's neat
- gave klep his own font because why not
- sitewide: cleaned up html/css code, fixed typos etc
- revised "wizard" in classes.html to refer to the magistrum
- added fiction, “ascendancy”
- to index: added session one recap
- to highhaven: added “notable spots" and “neighborhoods" spots, with arbale's curious and dod's center, respectively. (just trying to keep track)
- cleaned up a bunch of code sitewide
- added a lil favicon
- expanded highhaven.html
- added “history"
- added “government"
- added “economy"
- added “factions", including: the constabulary, the divine minders, mondal's sect, the bloomsmen, and fures forum.
- added session00.html
- updated index.html
- added portraits and small blurbs to The Party!
- added this page!
- moved the creative commons buttons to the bottom of the page
- to index.html:
- added “introduction" section
- added “sessions" section
- added calendar blurb to things
- to species.html:
- added klep blurbs (klurbs)
- expanded on the rare species